Thomas Labling Apps

Network Manager Pro 1.2.1
Thomas Labling
The Network Manager reduced the energyconsumption of your smartphone by a smart management of the networkinterfaces. These includes the airplane mode (GSM-module), mobiledata (3G/4G), WiFi (WLAN) and Bluetooth.The network interfaces are in addition to the display one of thelargest energy consumers of smartphones and should always be turnedoff when not in use. This can be an annoying matter and thereforeis quickly forgotten. The consequence is a high energy consumption,which is preventable.Turning on and off of the individual interfaces is done by theNetwork Manager fully automated when needed by you or notneeded.Features:• Airplane Mode (GSM-module)- Becomes automatically activated if GSM network is not available(very energy efficient)- Becomes automatically deactivated (depending on the dynamicswhich are to be determined) when GSM network is available again• Mobile Data (3G/4G)- Becomes automatically activated when the screen turns on- Becomes automatically disabled when the screen turns off• Wifi - interface (WLAN)- Becomes automatically activated (depending on the dynamics whichare to be determined) and connected if known networks areavailable- Becomes automatically disabled if not required/associated• Bluetooth - interface- Becomes automatically activated (depending on the dynamics whichare to be determined)- After enabling the smartphone searches for known (coupled)Bluetooth devices and will automatically connect to them unlessknown remote - devices were founded- Becomes automatically disabled if not required/associated• Charging mode- stops the Network Manager service if the smartphone battery isbeing charged. In charging mode the interfaces 3G / 4G , WiFi(WLAN) and Bluetooth will activated and the flight modedeactivated• Autostart function- Enables the Network Manager service at startup• Widget to enable/disable the airplane mode, or the NetworkManager serviceAll these functions can be enabled or disabled at the settingsscreen!WidgetWith the contained widget the airplane mode can become quicklyand easily enabled (green airplane) or disabled (red airplane). Inaddition, over the middle button (gray airplane) the NetworkManager service can become easily turned on or off. Adventitious itis very easy to recognize the condition of the Network Managerservice and the airplane mode state (recognizable by the greenframe).Important remarks• Since Android version 4.2 it is not possible to enable/disablethe airplane mode by Android-App´s without root privileges; if thesmartphone is not " rooted " and the Android version > = 4.2 ,this feature will not be available - > the "rooting" of asmartphone is very simple, just try a search engine with thekeywords "" and "rooting" (eg " Samsung Galaxy Alpha rooting")• Since Android version 5 it is not possible to enable/disable theairplane mode by Android-App´s even with root privileges. The sameis true for enabling / disabling mobile data
Network Manager Free 1.2.1
The Network Manager reduced theenergyconsumption of your smartphone by a smart management of thenetworkinterfaces. These includes the airplane mode (GSM-module),mobiledata (3G/4G), WiFi (WLAN) and Bluetooth.The network interfaces are in addition to the display one ofthelargest energy consumers of smartphones and should always beturnedoff when not in use. This can be an annoying matter andthereforeis quickly forgotten. The consequence is a high energyconsumption,which is preventable.Turning on and off of the individual interfaces is done bytheNetwork Manager fully automated when needed by you ornotneeded.Features:• Airplane Mode (GSM-module)- Becomes automatically activated if GSM network is notavailable(very energy efficient)- Becomes automatically deactivated (depending on the dynamicswhichare to be determined) when GSM network is available again• Mobile Data (3G/4G)- Becomes automatically activated when the screen turns on- Becomes automatically disabled when the screen turns off• Wifi - interface (WLAN)- Becomes automatically activated (depending on the dynamicswhichare to be determined) and connected if known networksareavailable- Becomes automatically disabled if not required/associated• Bluetooth - interface- Becomes automatically activated (depending on the dynamicswhichare to be determined)- After enabling the smartphone searches for known(coupled)Bluetooth devices and will automatically connect to themunlessknown remote - devices were founded- Becomes automatically disabled if not required/associated• Charging mode- stops the Network Manager service if the smartphone batteryisbeing charged. In charging mode the interfaces 3G / 4G ,WiFi(WLAN) and Bluetooth will activated and the flightmodedeactivated• Autostart function- Enables the Network Manager service at startup• Widget to enable/disable the airplane mode, or theNetworkManager serviceAll these functions can be enabled or disabled at thesettingsscreen!WidgetWith the contained widget the airplane mode can becomequicklyand easily enabled (green airplane) or disabled (redairplane). Inaddition, over the middle button (gray airplane) theNetworkManager service can become easily turned on or off.Adventitious itis very easy to recognize the condition of theNetwork Managerservice and the airplane mode state (recognizable bythe greenframe).Important remarks• Since Android version 4.2 it is not possible toenable/disablethe airplane mode by Android-App´s without rootprivileges; if thesmartphone is not " rooted " and the Androidversion > = 4.2 ,this feature will not be available - > the"rooting" of asmartphone is very simple, just try a search enginewith thekeywords "" and "rooting" (eg " Samsung Galaxy Alpharooting")• Since Android version 5 it is not possible to enable/disabletheairplane mode by Android-App´s even with root privileges. Thesameis true for enabling / disabling mobile dataThe "Network Manager Free" is only a trial version. You can testfor5 days.If you want a permanent managing of your network interfaces,pleasetake the "Network Manager Pro".
Driver Assist 1.0.3
Driver Assist helps you to controldifferentfeatures which are useful by driving a car. It willcontrol GPS,Mobile Data, Airplane Mode, Bluetooth, Blitzer.deautomatically ifyou are need it during driving some vehicle. Ofcourse, you canchoose which feature should be controlled and whichnot byselecting the appropriate one in the settings menu.Remark:GPS, Airplane mode and Mobile Data are justcontrolledautomatically, if your phone is rooted! If not, GPS hasto beenabled manually in order to have the chance to plugin your charging cable and the app will recognizewhetheryou are actually driving or just loading your battery.Unplug your cable and the app will deactivate themself tillnexttime loading the battery.